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几份综合英语二的资料 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2011-11-6 22:04:17 |只看该作者 |正序浏览


1.       Have they made any inquiries after me?  (inquire)
2.       Many foreign words and phrases have enriched the English language. (rich)
3.       They were the most notable pioneers in translation. (note)
4.       There is an overhead fan in his room. (head)
5.       Some advertisements are misleading. (lead)
6.       She was paying a big price for her stupidity. (stupid)
7.       His performance in the sports meet was not good. (perform)
8.       He was wounded in the brutal war. (brute)
9.       They are busy with preparing for the evening gathering. (gather)
10.   The animals grew restlessly as if in anticipation of an earthquake. (rest)
11.   I think the tendency to give children many toys and clothes is quite common in American families. (tend)
12.   The children will feel unloved if they don’t have the same playthings their friends have. (love)
13.   It is unreasonable for children to ask their parents for too many things. (reason)
14.   You can judge his feeling from his facial expressions. (face)
15.   He left the house without my awareness. (aware)
16.   Hughie thought the model should have a percentage. (percent)
17.   Now he was unemployed and stayed at home. (employ)
18.   He was a man with great wealth. (wealthy)
19.   In the relationship with others, you will notice some annoying habits. (annoy)
20.   For some people, it may take several days to readjust, depending on the length of time they were away. (adjust)
21.   The plan was set up to give expert advice to first time housebuyers. (advise)
22.   Her first sight of the African landscape thrilled her enormously. (thrill)
23.   It was subsequently discovered that several errors had been made. (subsequent)
24.   Recovery of English gives him an advantage in getting a job. (recover)
25.   If you had been more careful, you wouldn’t have made so many mistakes. (care)
26.   The teacher handed out the answer sheets when all the students entered the examination room. (sheet)
27.   They have set aside the unfinished project for one year. (finish)
28.   The moment he got into the classroom he felt nervous. (nerve)
29.   Thanks to your kindness, the poor boy was saved. (kind)
30.   You had better consult a doctor. (good)
31.   The president devoted his energies to updating the curricula, making the education offered at Washington College as meaningful and usual as possible. (update)
32.   I know that a few weeks ago you held an exhibition on lifelong learning. (exhibit)
33.   Nowhere has the world seen such enthusiasm for learning as in our country. (enthuse)
34.   He apologized to me what he had said. (apology)
35.   Body language is a form of non-verbal communication. (verbal)
36.   His sudden illness kept him in Beijing for three months. (ill)
37.   Unlike her quiet sister, she is very talkative. (talk)
38.   If I were you, I wouldn’t put up with his behavior any longer. (behave)
39.   Increasing in the modern world, the maintenance of health and the care of the sick and disabled are looked upon as social concerns, not merely individual problems. (increase)
40.   All efforts to build a bridge over the wide and swift river ended in rain. (effort)
41.   Today more and more people are enthusiastic about body fitness. (fit)
42.   The temperature of the conductor affects its resistance to current. (resist)
43.   Mozart had the makings of a great musician. (music)
44.   Boys wear fashionable clothes to attract girls. In a similar way, some birds have bright feather. (fashion)
45.   It’s better not to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries in the case of diplomatic relations. (diplomat)
46.   Even a child knows the similarity of a cat to a tiger. (similarly)
47.   The king refused to comment upon the financial scandal. (finance)
48.   Once published, this interesting and instructive novel will be a great success. (instruct)
49.   This expression is thought of as being out of style today. We seldom use it. (express)
50.   It’s advisable to learn these good sentences by heart. (advise)
51.   What’s important is to keep up our present friendship and trip relationships. (relation)
52.   I felt that film was most boring. (bore)
53.   There are various clothes to chosen in the store. I am really confused. (vary)
54.   I highly appreciate the writing style of Lu Xun. (high)
55.   This has greatly increased our international prestige. (internation)
56.   That we need more practice and confidence is quite obvious. (confident)
57.   I would never have noticed the fault if you had not pointed it out in difficult times. (faulty)
58.   Plastic and rubber won’t conduct electricity. ((electric)
59.   The big department store employed 20 girls to stand at the gate and distribute advertising leaflets to the customers. (advertise)
60.   The jury will try a case of robbery with violence. (violent)
61.   The air conditioner is so often complained about that I am surprised it hasn’t been improved. (condition)
62.   The rapid development of our country stimulated the writers’ creative enthusiasm for writing. (create)
63.   The old lady needs comforting after her shock. (comfort)
64.   You have left out a possibility that she have got the wrong information. (possible)
65.   Plastic bags are useful for holding many kinds of food, by virtue of their clearness, toughness, and low cost. (tough)
66.   Many old women prefer colorful dress. They all expect to stay young. (color)
67.   It was not long before he regained his consciousness. (conscious)
68.   He is a comparative silent boy. But when he speaks, what he says always makes sense. (compare)
69.   He is qualified for the job. (qualify)
70.   He had been seriously ill for a long time, but his doctor managed to bring him through. (serious)
71.   The lucky passenger held right to the rail of the bus and didn’t fall down and hurt himself. (luck)
72.   My cousin is afraid that his future will be affected by his father’s final decision. (decide)
73.   Some scientists think that day dreaming can help you to shape your future. (dream)
74.   The project was doomed to failure because of the badly organizational work. (fail)
75.   Caps in hand, they filed slowly past the grave of their respectable leader at the cemetery. (respect)
76.   Jim’s health broke down from over work on the farm. (healthy)
77.   The president’s security men did their best to keep the crowd back from him, but in vain. (secure)
78.   Much to my relief, my lose friends survived the earthquake in Japan. (relieve)
79.   Since he always keeps silent no matter what I recommend, I can only interpret it as a refusal. (refuse)
80.   That is an objective description, which in fast, is not influenced by my subjective impression. (object)
81.   His funny gestures were greeted with roars of laughters. (fun)
82.   Their appreciation of performance was expressed in high cheers. (perform)
83.   Her qualification exceed the job requirements. (qualify)
84.   The more emotion the reading arouses, the deeper the impression on the learner. (impress)
85.   The measures taken by the government failed to reduce unemployment. (employment)
86.   The judge told the witness that his remarks were beside the point. (wit)
87.   Bill’ s father told him to bear in mind that his allowance had to last all week. (allow)
88.   Design must keep pace with technological innovation. (technology)
89.   It is difficult to carry on a conversation on a crowded bus. (crowd)
90.   The sorrowful woman would return no more to the city where her only son had died from traffic accident. (sorrow)
91.   Your offer is very attractive but I need to think it over before I can let you know my decision. (attract)
92.   I find it very tiresome to be repeatedly interrupted by phone calls you really don’t want to answer. (tire)
93.   The computer is universally regarded as a revolutionary invention of 20th century. (revolution)
94.   Though he views himself as a realist, Cetron says that his findings make him very optimistic about future. (optimist)
95.   In such a changing and complex society, formerly simple solutions to informational needs become complicated. (complicate)
96.   The police had difficulty restraining the demonstrators from rushing into the Town Hall. (demonstrate)
97.   The key to the discovery of the mystery lies in the reliability of the information. (discover)
98.   The interviewees passed through an anxious hour, waiting for result. (interview)
99.   The classroom took on a holiday appearance after hard exam. (appear)
100.  We should adopt effective measure to preserve the eyesight of the adolescents. (effect)
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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-11-7 14:21:12 |只看该作者
自考生辛辛苦苦的考完十几门甚至是三十几门的自考科目 ,毕业后却没有得到相应的待遇 ,是否自考就是没有出路了? 不,我们还可以考研 ,考了几十门了,也相信大家不再惧怕考试了 !那么为了自己,请选择考研吧 !是的,你不是孤单的,因为我们还有兄弟姐妹一路同行!  我创建了两个个自考考研群123310452、、、、183877572!期待你的加入,请放心,群内绝对禁止广告,谩骂的! 一旦发现,坚决踢飞 ,请喜欢打广告者、嘴贱者慎入!我相信,大家的交流与相互鼓励,一定会成功的! ps:进群记得看群公告修改自己的群名片哦

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2011-11-6 22:04:51 |只看该作者
   1.in the way 挡路,阻碍,妨碍
  2.to make a guess at 对...进行猜测
  3.to blind sb.to sth. 使某人看不到某物,使某人对某物丧失判断力
  4.to contribute to sth.(1)促成,导致(2)有助于,增添(3)捐助,贡献(4)撰稿,投稿
  5.to seek to do sth.设法做某事
  6.in part部分地;在某种程度上
  7.vary from...to... 从...变为...;在...与...之间变化
  8.and the like 等等,诸如此类
  9.point of view 观点,看法
  10.to apply for 申请,请求
  11.day-to-day (1)日常的,每日常规工作的(2)逐日的
  12.to have no idea 不知道;无能力
  13.to take the trouble to do sth.费力做某事,不辞劳苦做某事
  14.to put oneself in sb’s place 设身处地替某人着想
  15.to one’s advantage 处于不利地位
  16.to ask for 要求,请求,要价,讨价
  17.in hand (1)在手中(持有);在手头(随时可用)(2)在控制下(3)正在办理、处理之中
  18.to make sure(of/that)(1)弄清楚,核实查明(2)设法确保,最好
  19.to turn down (1)to turn sb./down 顶回,拒不理会,拒绝(2)to turn sth.down调节(炉具、收音机等)使热量、音量温度等降低(3)翻下
  20.as soon as 一...就...,不迟于
  21.aim to do sth.或aim at doing sth 计划;打算;以...为目标
  22.experiment with 进行实验(试验)
  23.in case 免得,以防万一,说不定
  24.in theory 理论上,理论上讲
  25.to apply to sth. (1)把...应用于...(2)致力于...,集中精力(做某事)
  26.research into 研究、探讨、调查
  27.to swallow up (1)吞没,淹没,掩盖(2)用尽,耗尽
  28.to make use of 利用
  29.depend on 依靠,指望
  30.together with 和,连同
  31.in every respect 在各个方面
  32.in other words 换句话说,也就是说
  33.to consist of 由...组成,由...构成
  34.a great many 许多,很多
  35.to consist of 对...有影响
  36.above all 最重要的,尤其,首先
  37.as a rule 在多数情况下,通常,一般而言
  38.to be affected with 感染(疾病),患有...病
  39.to carry out (1)实施,执行,完成,贯彻,落实(2)进行(实验等)
  40.in addition to 加之,除...以外
  41.in this(that)case 这(那)样的话,既然这(那)样
  42.to open up (1)畅谈(2)开业,开张
  43.to care for (1)照顾,照看(2)喜欢,喜爱,愿意
  44.to take into account(consideration) 考虑,体谅,包括
  45.to have...at heart 很关心某事物,极欲支持或维护
  46.to opt out(of) 决定不参加,退出
  47.for short 简称,简写
  48.to amount to (1)总计,共达(2)等于,相当于
  49.on(the)average 平均来讲,按平均数计算
  50.to compete with 与...竞争,对抗
  51.to blame sb.for 为...责备某人,责怪某人
  52.by nature 从天性上讲,本性上
  53.to be related to 与...有关
  54.to be worth(doing)sth. 值得
  55.to bring over 把某人带到,改变思想
  56.to convict sb.of 宣判某人有....罪
  57.be supposed to 认为必须,认为应该
  58.be feel like(doing)sth. 想要(做)某事物
  59.to protect form(against) 保护,保卫
  60.to risk(doing)sth. 冒着.....的危险
  61.to deal with (1)与...做生意,与...商业交往(2)对待,对付,处理,解决
  62. 区别,辨别,是...的特征
  63.to agree to(do)sth. 同意,愿意,答应
  64.threaten to do sth 威胁要做某事,扬言要做某事
  65.according to (1)根据,据某人所说(2按照,依照)(3)依....而定
  66. to distinguish from (1)根据,据某人所说(2)
  67.to watch over (1)看护,照料(2)看守,看管,守卫
  68.in unison (1)齐唱,齐奏(2)一致地,协调地
  69.up to (1)作为最大数量,多达(2)直到;不多于(3)能胜任的,有某种能力
  70.call up 打电话,使想起,使忆起
  71.pay back 偿还,回报,惩罚,报复
  72.a good/great deal of 很多,大量
  73.to clean up (1)洗干净,打扫干净,清理(2)清除坏的影响
  74.to react to sb.(sth) 对....作出反应,回应
  75.to make one’s way to 走,行走,前进,去
  76.to take over 接管,接任,雇用
  77.to take on 披上,戴上,呈现,具有
  78.to take place 发生,举行
  79.in other words 换句话说
  80.in a sense 从某种意义说
  81.to serve as 起....的作用,被用作,充当
    82.to belong in 在....中有适当的地位,处于正确的地位
  83.in advance 事先,预先,提前
  84.it goes without saying that... 不言而喻 ....无庸置疑....不用说.....
  85.for the sake of (1)为了....起见,看在....的份上 (2)为了....的好处,为了....目的
  86.to expose sth.暴露,使面临,遭受.
  87.plenty of 大量的,丰富的
  88.in that 在于,因为
  89.in between 在中间,每间隔,在...期间
  90.in question 正被谈论的,正被考虑的
  91.to work on 从事....致力于.....
  92.to set up 设立,建立,提出
  93.to be on the alert against/for sth. 警惕
  94.to be concerned with (1)关于,涉及 (2)忙于(3)关心,关切
  95.to attach importance to sth.认为..重要
  96.to take to sth/doing sth (1)开始从事(2)养成....习惯(3)培养对.....的爱好
  97.to put sth.to use 使用,利用
  98.to be relevant to sth 与....有关的
  99.on the part of sb 就....而言,在....方面
  100to set.....as objective 把....作为目标
  101to look ahead to 向前看,展望未来
  102to allocate...for....to 分配....给配合....
  103to hang up 把....挂起来;延迟,拖延
  104to throw off 扔掉,摆脱
  105to work out 作出,制定出
  106up to date最新的,新式的
  107to kid...into doing 欺骗....去做
  108to stick with坚持,继续
  109effect on 对.....的作用
  110to blame sth. 把......归咎于
  111now(that) 既然,由于
  112to leave/let...alone/be (1)不管,不理,不打扰(2)顺其自然,听任......
  113out of step 步伐不一致,不协调
  114in time (1)及时,不迟(2)终于,迟早
  115to date把......归咎
  116to attend to sth. (1)专心,注意(2)照顾,关照
  117to fall apart 破裂,崩溃
  118to be true of符合于.....,对....适用
  119 to approximate to 与.....接近
  120 resistance to sth (1)对...的抵抗,对抗(2)照顾,关照
  121 to cope with 对付,处理
  122 no other...than (1)除...外没有,只有(2)正是,就是
  123 to take advantage of (1)利用(2)占...的便宜
  124 to stand no/little chance of doing 没有可能,没有希望
  125 to identify....as.... 把....看成;证明/确认...为.....
  126 impact on .... 对......的影响
  127 to break up 打碎;(被)分解;散开,驱散;结束;期终放假,崩溃
  128 in the running参赛,参加竞选
  129 in power掌权的,执政的
  130 out of power丧失权力的,在野的
  131 in favor of (1)赞成,支持(2)支付给(3)为了;对....有利
  132 to come into power上台,开始掌权
  133 to carry on (1)经营,进行(2)继续
  134 to sacrifice to 向....献祭;为...而牺牲;为.....而失去
  135 be central to 对....极为重要的
  136 be irrelevant to 与....不相干,不切题
  137 be aim for 瞄准,以....为目标
  138 in bring out (1)使显现,显示(2)生产,使产生
  139 to attach to 使....与....相关,把....附加到
  140 to take for granted 认为真实,视为当然
  141 at ease 自在的,舒适的
  142 plea for恳求,请求
  143 not that.....并不是,不是因为
  144 not(never)for a moment 决不,从来没有
  145 to break in on(upon) 打扰,打断,闯进
  146 to seize/catch hold of 抓住,占有
  147 to excess 过分,过度,过量
  148 to substitute.....for 用.....代替
  149 be contrary to 与.....相反
  150 in reality 实际上,事实上
  151 to put off 延期,消除
  152 be confronted with 面临,面对
  153 to draw on (1)用.....做来源,依靠(2临近
154 to gaze at 凝视,注视
  155 be unaware of 不知道.....没觉察到....
  156 to dream of 梦见,梦想
  157 in one’s mind’s eye 在脑海里
  158 to go over (1)越过,渡过(2)仔细检查
  159 to impress.....on 使......铭记,牢记
  160 be free from 没有......的,不受.....的
  161 to go over (1)越过,渡过(2)仔细检查
  162 to impress....on 使......铭记,牢记
  163 to put aside (1)放在一边,撇开(2)储存
  164 be beneficial to 对......有利
  165 to add up to (1)总计是(2)总起来意味着
  166 influence on 对......的影响
  167 to break into 分成(部分)
  168 so far as sb.knows 就某人所知
  169 of....value 有......价值
  170 of....importance 重要,有意义
  171 of....interest 有趣,有意思
  172to coincide with 相符,一致
  173 to go in for (1)参加,从事(2)以.....为兴趣,爱好
  174year in and year out 一年一年地,年复一年
  175 to take.....easy轻松一点;勿太紧张
  176to put an end to结束或废除某事务
  177to do one’s best尽全力;尽量
  178to do with sth. 处理;忍受
  179 in return 作为回报
  180 to do without 没有....也行;将就,设法应付过去

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