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“至于你信不信,我反正信了”N个版本的翻译 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2011-8-18 14:53:24 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
1. Normal正常版:I believe it, whether you believe it or not.
2. College exam(High score)四六级作文高分版:I don’t care whether you believe it or not. I just do.
3. Google 谷歌机翻版:As you believe, I believed anyway.
【注】:意思完全颠倒有没有!   来自上学吧题库
4. Shakespeare莎翁版:‘Tis not mine interest wherest thy mind doth stand, for mine own thoughts shan’t e’er be swayed by thee.
【注】:’tis = it is
Mine = my
Thy = your
Thee = you (When “you” is the object of the sentence.)
*must be written in iambic pentameter (rhythm of pairing ten syllables for each line into five pairs)
5. Rap版:Uh, yo check it. Don’t be hollering at me about yo beliefs 'Cause imma tell it to you straight right here, before you open yo mouth, you’re gonna see that I really don’t give a damn, we clear?
【注】:Yo = hey (1) /your (2)
Imma = im going to
Cause = because
Check it = listen
to give a damn about sth. 在意,重视
*Raps have to rhyme as well.
6. GRE版:Nevertheless, I will not put your ideas into any consideration as I continue to uphold my beliefs as to what is true.
7. Colloquial Slang:Even if you don’t buy it, I do.
【注】:Buy it 有“相信”“接受某种说法”的意思
8. Online chat/MSN:w/e, I believe it no matter wut.
【注】:w/e = whatever
wut = what
9. Lady Gaga版:Oh oh, oh oh
I believe it, whether you believe it or not
Oh oh, oh oh
I believe it, whether you believe it or not
believe, belieeeeeeve,believe, belieeeeeeve
believe, belieeeeeeve,believe, Gaga
believe, belieeeeeeve,believe, belieeeeeeve
believe, belieeeeeeve,believe, Gaga

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-8-19 16:15:32 |只看该作者
自考生辛辛苦苦的考完十几门甚至是三十几门的自考科目 ,毕业后却没有得到相应的待遇 ,是否自考就是没有出路了? 不,我们还可以考研 ,考了几十门了,也相信大家不再惧怕考试了 !那么为了自己,请选择考研吧 !是的,你不是孤单的,因为我们还有兄弟姐妹一路同行!  我创建了了一个自考考研群123310452!期待你的加入,请放心,群内绝对禁止广告,谩骂的! 一旦发现,坚决踢飞 ,请喜欢打广告者、嘴贱者慎入!我相信,大家的交流与相互鼓励,一定会成功的!

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