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hers Shape Ups by a party of people [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2010-8-5 11:10:10 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

He has come from the interior has heard the missionary's great name, feme, and come to see him. 'Ah! stranger,' the missionary, after usual salutations, says to him, ' the fame of this world is vain. We have come to teach you to find enduring feme in heaven.' The stranger is followed Skechers Shape Ups by a party of people from the town, who must needs talk on no low key to themselves and their guest, by way of being agreeable. The three quarters of an hour have At one Reebok EasyTone o'clock the missionsy and heart rejoice to find rest and refresi uneut m tic juicl retirement and privileges of his chamber Nike Air Max 2009 early dawn, a greot commotion is observed amongst trie people in the native near the missionhouse.'A crowd of men rush about anions and romen are running hither anAb ipio ! bm ih yuo ! " my MBT Shoes child! mv father's child! i They ire about to kill him.By the time the missionary gets in "broughtbut little progress in McCosh. Grebo translation is next taken up; but, as the sun rises, visitors and calls multiply. Will you please give me a little sulphur? Qkobonaf foreigner's fire, my mother is sick,' says one; She says, will you please come see her V says another. The leper D. makes his appearance and presents his claim for tobacco, rice, and fish. S. 'has eaten nothing for two days,' and begs, for mercy's sake, a little food." In the midst of these, halfpast eleven o'clock has come, and J. appears to recite. A little progress has been made in Grebo."As J. proceeds in his recitation, visitors still come and go, and ask questions and talk. At twelve, K. comes to recite theology, and friends still abound and talk. At halfpast twelve a Grebo class from the boys' school come to recite; but, as they proceed, a stream of visitors, young and old, of differing tribes and distant places appear and disappear, sleep, or sit listlessly, or talk."At one o'clock the missionary's body and head and heart rejoice to find rest and refreshment in the quiet retirement and privileges MBT of his chamber.
" Wednesday.At early dawn, a great commotion is observed amongst the people in the native village near the missionhouse."A crowd of men rush about amongst the houses, and women are running hither and thither, crying out, Na yuo ! buo ah yuo death yuo ! mi nd hmdo? O my child! my father's child! my mother's child! They are about to kill him.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-8-5 12:54:34 |只看该作者

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-8-5 13:10:34 |只看该作者

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