7. 语言交际的两大媒介是什么?哪一个是基本的交际媒介?为什么?
Modern linguistics regards the spoken form of language as primary, but not the written form, because the spoken form is prior to the written form and most writing systems are derived from the spoken form of language.
8. 语音学的三个分支是什么。它们研究的对象各是什么?
Articulatory phonetics: It studies the human speech organs and the way in which thee speech sounds are produced.
Acoustic phonetics: It studies the physical properties of the speech sounds; it deals with the sound waves through the use of such machines as a spectrograph.
Auditory phonetics is the study of the perception of sounds by the human ear.
9. 什么叫浊音化?它是如何形成的?
Voicing is the result of the vibration of the vocal cords. When the vocal cords are drawn wide apart, letting air go through without causing vibration, the sounds produced in such a way are voiceless. When vocal cords are held together tautly so that the air stream vibrates them, the sounds produced in this way are voiced.
10. 宽式标音和严式标音有什么区别?
The broad transcription is the transcription of sounds by using one letter to represent one sound. The narrow transcription is the transcription with diacritics to show detailed articulatory features of sounds.
11. 英语的辅音是如何分类的?
1) by place of articulation :
a. bilabial such as [p],,[m],[w]
b. labiodental such as [f],[v]
c. dental such as [θ],[T ]
d. alveolar such as [t],[d],,[z],[n],[l],[r]
e. palatal such as [∫], [V ],[ t∫ ], [dV ], [j]
f. velar such as [k], [g], [ N ]
g. glottal such as [h]
2) by manner of articulation.
a. Stops such as [p],,[t],[d],[k],[g]
b. Fricatives such as [f],[v],,[z],[ θ],[ T ], [∫ ], [ V], [h]
c. Afficates such as [t∫], [dV ]
d. Liquids such as [l], [r]
e. Nasals such as [n],[m],[N]
f. Glides such as [w], [j]
12. 英语的元音是如何分类的?
1) Vowels may be distinguished as front vowels such as [i:] [e] [A] [a], central vowels such as [\:], [[],[Q]and back vowels such as[u:] [J] [ C:] and [B:] in terms of the position of the tongue in the mouth.
2) According to how wide our mouth is opened, we classify the vowels into four groups: close vowels such as [i:],[ i],[u:],[J], semi-close vowels such as[e], [з: ] , semi-open vowels such as [ [ ], [ C: ] , and open vowels such as [æ], [a], [Λ] and [ɑ:].
3) According to the shape of the lips, vowels are divided into rounded vowels and unrounded vowels.
4) The English vowels can also be classified into long vowels and short vowels according to the length of the sound. The long vowels include [i:] [\:] [ C: ] [u:] [ɑ:],while the rest are short vowels.